Do you remember that moment when you felt unstoppable when nothing could hold you back? That's the spirit that drives our brand's movement. But have you ever felt like balancing quality sportswear and affordability is impossible? We believe that every athlete, recreational, amateur or professional, deserves both and that's why we created Palang Athletic. Our mission is to provide top-quality sportswear that doesn't break the bank.

Inspired by the Asiatic Cheetah our foundations are built on the strength and resilience of this gracious animal. But that's not all, we're a community of athletes and supporters who believe in the power of sport to inspire positive change. By supporting us with every purchase, you'll be doing just that - with a portion of all sales going towards saving the Asiatic Cheetah from extinction.

So, what are you waiting for? Join us on this journey and become a member of a community of athletes who are making a difference. When you wear Palang Athletic, you are not only elevating your athletic performance with top-quality sportswear, but you are also showcasing your commitment to a greater cause.


We are proud to offer our PERFORMANCE PRO Grip Socks as the cornerstone of our product line. While we may seem like just another grip sock brand, we assure you that we have a much bigger vision in mind for our brand. In the near future, we plan to expand our product offerings to include a wide range of sportswear clothing and accessories that embody our mission of empowering athletes everywhere.



Supporting the Asiatic Cheetah through Donations to the Iranian Cheetah Society (ICS)

Believing in the interdependence of success and giving back, we are proud to contribute to the critical mission of the ICS, a dedicated organisation committed to protecting the critically endangered Asiatic Cheetah. Our commitment to their mission includes raising awareness about the plight of the Asiatic Cheetah and supporting their efforts with a portion of each sale.

Working towards a positive impact on the world, we are responsible stewards of the planet and its wildlife. By donating a percentage of our sales to the ICS, we actively participate in their efforts to protect the Asiatic Cheetah.

To learn more about the ICS’s work and projects, visit their website at www.wildlife.ir/en/